Date: February 15, 2011
Contact: Gary Kuehneman
Director of Sales & Marketing
For Immediate Release
Office #: 262.392.2162 Ext. 260
Cell #: 262.370.4524
DYNATEK Articulated Drag Conveyor Chosen for DDGS Loading in Hungary
North Prairie, WI: DYNATEK saw what it hopes will be the first of many articulated EconoLoader™ loading conveyors head for Europe this week. This one will be used to load DDGS at a new ethanol plant that’s close to completion just south of Budapest, Hungary.
DDGS loading is an application DYNATEK knows well because of how often DYNATEK EconoLoaders® have been chosen for truck and railcar loading by U.S. ethanol plant designers, builders and owners. Gary Kuehneman, Director of Sales and Marketing commented, “What’s most rewarding is being told this installation is a direct result of how well DYNATEK loaders have performed for DDGS loading here in the U.S. More than one plant maintenance manager has said, “I wish the rest of the plant was as reliable as the loader.”
Operationally, two conveying arms with powered pivot joints allow the Loader to extend up to 30 feet and rotate up to 330 degrees. This makes it easy to precisely position the loader discharge over each section or inlet hatch of the truck or railcar, without moving the vehicle. Pendant controls are then used to position the load-out spout and start the conveying process. 15,000 bushels /hour loading rates are typical for DDGS but rates as high as 25,000 bushels per hour are possible.
DYNATEK Loading Systems, a division of D&D Products, designs and builds articulated truck, railcar and barge loading systems based on auger, belt, drag and air slide conveyor technologies. DYNATEK EconoLoader™ Systems are currently being used throughout North America to load materials like DDGS, fly ash, alumina, soy meal, plastic pellets, catalysts and calcium carbonate at rates up to 25,000 cubic feet per hour. For more information or to discuss an application, contact Gary Kuehneman by telephone at 888.853.5444, by e-mail at: or visit our web site, .