Retractable Load-Spouts Give DYNATEK™ Articulated Loaders Pin-Point Discharge Accuracy

Date: September 7, 2012
Contact: Gary Kuehneman
Director of Sales & Marketing
For Immediate Release
Office #: 001.262.392.2162 Ext. 260
Cell #: 001.262.370.4524

Retractable Load-Spouts Give DYNATEK™ Articulated Loaders Pin-Point Discharge Accuracy

North Prairie, WI: DYNATEK™ Articulated Loading Systems are “precise” by design. With the ability to rotate up to 330 degrees and reach up to 40 feet, DYNATEK Loaders give you the ability to place dry material precisely where you want it in your truck, rail car or barge, ensuring complete and even loading.

Through the use of retractable load-spouts, vertical positioning is precise as well, significantly reducing dust and spillage. And, in order to accommodate the preferences of our customers, DYNATEK Loaders can be supplied pre-wired, plumbed for dust collection and flanged to accommodate a broad range of load spouts from leading suppliers like PMC Unlimited, DCL, SLY, PEBCO®, Dynamic Air® and WAM®. The result is a fully integrated, articulated loading system that can deliver material cleanly and precisely at rates to 30,000 cubic feet per hour.

Dynatek Articulated Loading Systems, a division of D&D Products, designs and builds articulated truck, railcar and barge loading systems based on auger, belt, drag and air slide conveyor technologies. To learn more, visit our website,

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